Monday, November 24, 2008

How Sex Education Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse

Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse which involves sexual contact between a child and another person with or without force. Now a day, Child sexual abuse is more common than you imagine. All over the world, one in four child sexually abused. The study shows that children between the ages of 5 and 12 are most vulnerable. Children are at risk for sexual abuse even within their own homes apart from other abuser who enjoys the trust of the child including, School teacher, School bus driver and neighbors.

Importance Of Sex Education To Prevent Sexual Abuse

To overcome the problem of sexual abuse every children should be educated in right manner. Standards and codes of behavior regarding sex vary from community to community. Similarly, sex education also varies according to the beliefs of particular community. It depends on many factors such as religious, cultural, economic and social.

Many consider that sex is something private and personal and should not be discussed in public. In these days, sex is also integral part of our life, so nothing wrong in providing sex education to child. Better to start sex education between the ages of 5 to 12. Many schools also started in providing sex education to children. It is best that to provide the education by the parents themselves or some older member of the family with whom child relates comfortably.

Ways To Providing Sexual Education

Many children ignorant of their private body parts, abuser takes more advantages of this aspect. So first you need to educate the importance of some private body parts of child and tell them no body allowed to touch these parts including close friends. If any body tries to touch these parts, tell them to bring the matter immediately without any fear.

Try to answer the sex question of your child in such a way that makes them alert and to act as sensibly. Of course, do not try to cover the whole field of sex in your answer. When children satisfied with your answers, they come back later, with more questions that makes really good sign of imparting sex education. As the child grows, he or she asks many aspects of this subject. In fact, you need to worry if the child does not ask questions about sex. Parents guide needed in the early stage of child, once they grow up, they started to learn more on this subject apart from parents guide. Sex education to child involves vital role in killing sexual abuse problem.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How To Make Your Children More Responsible

Children Responsibility

Most often parents worried about how to improve their children responsibility. Normally, Children are not so responsible even at teen age. Many Parents not taking this issue seriously despite that they are responsible for this behavior of children. Parents need to improve their attitude or approach to overcome this problem towards their children. Even before sending the kids to preliminary school, Parents start dream that their children when grow up should become star and shine in their life. Nothing wrong in dreaming but there should be a limit.

Children and Society

Society plays vital role for every growing children. Parents generally do not expect any responsibility from children up to certain age say 8 or 10. Even after, many parents do the following mistakes when the children need to know the society and responsibility.

When the children come forward to help the parents in household work, they use the word we will do all these works, your job only study. To pay school fees etc money not given to them saying that you will lost money somewhere or you will forget to pay the fees. Even to purchase materials or note books they do not permit their children to self help themselves.

Similarly for many of the small activities of children, Parents do not give enough chance or responsibility and finally crying that children are not responsible. Their whole focus is on study aspect only.

Make Children Responsible

Only when parents started to give some responsibility to the children, they will learn and and do it gradually. Parents need to inform to their friends, relatives and colleagues when children takes new responsibility. By doing so, children greatly encouraged and ready to take more responsibility. This is the only way to infuse responsibility element into the children. Nothing wrong to discuss with them when parents needs to take some decision say buy a car, planning to built a house etc

Initially, start with small jobs say purchasing note book, polishing their shoes etc. Occasionally, ask them to do the jobs like cleaning the table, washing the plates so that to infuse the element of "Dignity of Labour". Such a works also most needed physical exercise for them.

Once parents started doing above guidelines, children slowly shouldering more responsibilities. Don't forget good parents enthuse, encourage and empower their children.

Guide To Basic Baby Care

Guide To Basic Baby Care For Feeding Your Baby

Baby care can be quite an ordeal if you have no guide to basic baby care to follow or to lean on for guidance. A guide to basic baby care can be as simple as a book with how to's and don'ts in it to serve as a guide to basic baby care. This guide to basic baby care can also be as specific as a book made by experts not only as a how to guide but also as a guide to learning why such things happen to the baby and what to do when these things occur. The guide to basic baby care can be as complicated as a doctors review book or as simple as a pamphlet.

Feeding Time

Newborns are relatively easy to feed as they have very sensitive sense of smell with which they root out the smell of their mother's breast and that of breast milk. A guide to basic baby care will suggest that the mother place her breast near the infant's face or cheek and let the infant find the nipple from which the infant will feed from. If the infant has a difficult time latching on to the nipple the mother can guide it to the nipple and encourage it to feed. Parents concerned about baby care should have a guide to basic baby care for a reference regarding matters such as this.

Infants should feed every two to four hours depending on how much the infant has taken in initially and what milk it is being given. Breast milk digests fast; therefore, the infant will be hungry sooner compared to those fed with formula. If your baby turns away from the proffered nipple or bottle, this may mean that the baby is already full. Knowing the guide to basic baby care is useful for first time parents, especially when it comes to feeding.

Newborn babies are usually full after a small four ounce bottle of breast milk or formula. A guide to basic baby care will suggest burping the baby after the bottle is finished or if the baby may seem full. It is best to burp the baby while it is upright to avoid it choking on its own spit up. A baby lying down with some spit up coming out of its mouth risks getting the milk into the ears. Burping the newborn baby is necessary to avoid him or her spitting up when it has been placed down on the crib to sleep and to avoid stomach problems later on.

Getting a guide to basic baby care is indeed useful to have at home. This guide to baby care should be studied by both parents for eventualities which will need the help of both.

Basic Infant Care

Basic Infant Care For Premature Babies

Premature babies, otherwise known as preemies, are babies born earlier than their expected birth dates. Usually, babies are born 38 to 42 weeks after their mother's last menstrual period. Basic infant care for preemies has some differences from the basic infant care for babies born full term. For one, premature babies are usually smaller than their counterparts who were born full term and some may not have had enough time to develop fully in their mothers' wombs so they may have some developmental needs which needs to be addressed.

Premature babies are usually placed in incubators when they are born. Depending on their basic infant care needs for a preemie, the staff around them will support the preemie and try their best to give it a chance to go home eventually. Preemies who do go home with their parents, will still need some preemie basic infant care which may be slightly different from those babies carried full term.

Guide To Basic Baby Care For Preemies

This guide to basic baby care for preemies is something that you pediatrician is sure to mention to you when you bring home your premature baby. Some basic infant care needs for preemies are smaller bottles with smaller specific nipples. This is because most premature babies can not cope with being breast fed as yet but they will need breast milk more than any other form of formula available. Breast milk has the necessary antibodies that the not fully developed premature babies need to fight off infections and others threats to their bodies.

Preemies' digestive systems are also not fully developed; therefore, they will need a lot of patience and care when it comes to feeding. Premature babies are prone to intestinal infections due to the way they are fed. Basic infant care for preemies require lots of patience and time which is why many parents prefer to leave their premature babies in the hospital until such time that they can be taken care of without the assistance of nurses and doctors.

Premature babies are prone to infections and many other conditions. The parents should practice basic infant care for preemies once they have their child at home. This is not to say that they wrap up their child and not let it experience the world but care should be given not to expose the premature baby to factors that can cause it harm. When premature babies are released from NICU their parents are told to bring them in regularly for their regular check ups and additional hearing and sight examinations.

Baby Care Basics

What Should Be Included In Baby Care Basics?

Baby care basics should include what you newborn needs to develop well physically, mentally and emotionally. For an infant to develop well in all three aspects, there are certain things that should be considered. These things in baby care basics include the stimulus that babies should be exposed to in order for them to realize things and for their senses to develop normally, the nutrition that they are given by their parents as well as the love, affection and care they should receive for them to develop emotionally and form bonds with their family. Basic infant care should comprise of these three aspects.

Baby Care Basics For Physical, Mental and Emotional Development

This aspect of baby care basics should include exposure to stimulus that promotes the development of the brain and the bodies of the infants. Stimulus can be anything from toys, images, music, sounds, textures, and many others. Baby care basics for physical development should also include activities where baby can move and develop dexterity. Some images and pictures also help stimulate the brain of the infant and should be staples for baby care basics with regards to development of the brain and body.

Letting the infant experience what is in your home and what is safe to be handled will help the infant get a good grasp of reality and life. Baby care basics regarding the development of infants dictate that parents and family members also stimulate the infant through touch and interaction. These interactions with the infant will help the infant grow emotionally and help in the development of both mental and physical aspects. Emotional aspect of life should be topmost in baby care basics. Emotional aspects of baby care basics will help lay the foundation of the emotional groundwork of the adult when the newborn has grown up. Getting lots of love and care will produce a happy and healthy child and a content adult.

The need for baby care basics which are focused on these aspects should be the primary goal of parents. Nutrition is important as well as stimulus for the development but the emotional aspect of a child is often forgotten due to the drive of some parents to achieve a well developed physical and mental specimen. Mental ability as well as physical ability is often the focus of development whereas the emotional needs of the infant are disregarded or not nurtured. Baby care basics should include all aspects to have a happy healthy child.

Baby Care Tips

Baby Care Tips For Their Skin

Our skin is our largest organ and it is basically our first line of defense against injuries, infections and germs. It is easy to understand that we should take care of our skin due to this and also because it makes up much of our physical appearance. Baby care tips with regards to their skin are important to know especially for first time parents who have no clear idea what to do.

Baby care tips for their skin is essential because babies have no idea yet what's wrong with them and have no clear way of communicating their desires and problems other than crying. It is wise for new parents to get as much baby care tips as they can but also to make sure that these are from reliable sources since there are many baby care tips that may prove bogus or even harmful for your newborn.

Baby Care Tips For Diapers

Diapers are now a way of life for both babies and parents, especially disposable ones. They are convenient and have come a long way from the bulky ones that were initially introduced. Baby care tips regarding diapers include changing the diaper as soon as it is soiled. This may be wasteful for some but urine can cause diaper rash even if it is absorbed deep down in to the diaper. Some parents wait for a full diaper before changing and this can help you with the cost but do not do this often because a diaper rash will be imminent with this practice.

Baby Care Tips For Sun Exposure

Baby care basics suggest that we expose our newborns to sunlight to promote the prevention of certain conditions connected to the bones. Baby care tips for sun exposure should include the time when to expose your newborn to the sun. Many experts agree that sun exposure should be limited to the early hours of the morning, around six am to eight am. Do not expose your newborn for over thirty minutes to direct sunlight or leave the newborn under the sun as this can cause dehydration and overheating. After this exposure, it is best to minimize baby's exposure to the strong rays of the sun, especially around ten am to three pm. These are the times when the sun is at its strongest and can cause skin damage.

These baby care tips are just a few for baby's delicate skin. These baby care tips should be considered carefully and done faithfully to avoid damage to the baby's skin. Sun exposure damage can and will come out when they have turned to adults already.